
“ Happy to the table”
“Let line up HAPPY to the table!”.


「HAPPY to the table」
A table with family or friends, having a good comunication, happy time and full of smile...

CoasterBooks is created to make your table which is surrounded with precious people more HAPPY place. "Do you like chatting?"


What is CoasterBook?

What is CoasterBook
CoasterBook is a product that we can peel off the paper coasters which are noted like a book. So you can bring CoasterBook easily and you can change your table to precious place. Let bring HAPPY all the time!!


Products LineUp              


5-3-34, Shita, Fujieda prefecture, Shizuoka
Free Call Number in Japan:0120-14-2454
tel_054-641-1828 fax_054-646-8553


What would you like to post on CoasterBook like hot topics, cool design etc...

CoasterBook can "use" even after reading contents that is different from existing magazines and advertising media. CoasterBook can keep information more longer than ever on the table at home and office. We think that users who are not interested in exsisting media can get new inspiration and interesting from the shapes of CoasterBook which is like a book. How about using CoasterBook for your company's new media to present your vaunty products and services.



We are searching new partner to make new types of CoasterBook. If companies and designers have curiousity, please feel free to contact us.
Nagahashi Printing Inc.:054-257-0111[to CoasterBook Department]